Adorable tiny 1853 HALF DIME seated liberty w/stars and arrows by date.Adorable tiny 1853 HALF DIME seated liberty w/stars and arrows by date.

Adorable tiny 1853 HALF DIME seated liberty w/stars and arrows by date.

can someone help my with selecting the closest condition grade for my coin?

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im not sure exactly what its worth i was just excited to finw such a tiny adorable coin in all reality. I would love to know what condition grade would be the correct one to have a converstation peice. how can i talk about it when i am uneducated on the coin completely. i know its 1853 seated liberty, w/ stars and arrows(technically this one has one arrow visible)on each side of the date. i am aware it looks as if someone may have tried to clean it in which ive heard devalues coins like this. I am really interested in keeping and learning as much as possible about this cute little 5 cent peice lol.