Dennismarsh's Feedback Ratings History

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Member Since: Jun 7 2021 08:36 AM CDT
Last Login Activity: Nov 3 2023 06:57 AM CDT

Positive 5As Buyer 5Given to Others 6
From: Nicecoins10 ( 64 ) - July 2 2023 - 09:59 PM CDT
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
From: LaurasCoinshop ( 250 ) - January 14 2022 - 10:04 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
From: richcoins84usa ( 122 ) - January 1 2022 - 09:47 PM CST
Automated Feedback: Positive feedback is left automatically on behalf of feedback giver after 60 days if feedback is not left before then. No complaints and issues were reported, it is assumed that this sale was successful and positive.
From: kenjogemcoins ( 58 ) - November 26 2021 - 01:47 PM CST
Repeat buyer here on USA COIN Book needed these items for an eBay and side project of his. Deal thrown together and closed inside of one business day. Thanks Dennis
From: kenjogemcoins ( 58 ) - June 7 2021 - 08:41 AM CDT
First sale on the USA Coin Book is to one the good guys over on Face Book World, Dennis Marsh 'Pit" from West Texas! Thanks from your friend in Maryland the Sleep Dog CEO of KenJo Gem Coins. Onward and upward.